Socket Programming

Reading Time: 3 minutes Points To Catch On a single system, Two processes can communicate through Pipes Message queues Shared memory To communicate between two processes over a network, you need Socket Socket = Endpoint of communication between two systems on a network OR Combination […]

Create Process Using fork()

Reading Time: 2 minutes Points To Catch When we fork in any process it simply creates a copy of the same process which we call child process Fork returns 0 in the child process & PID of the child process in the parent process, which […]

Binary semaphore example between threads in C

Semaphore between processes example in C

Reading Time: 2 minutes Semaphore is a synchronization mechanism. In more words, semaphores are a technique for coordinating or synchronizing activities in which multiple processes compete for the same resources. There are 2 types of semaphores: Binary semaphores & Counting semaphores.  Binary Semaphores: Only two states 0 & […]

Binary semaphore example between threads in C

Binary semaphore example between threads in C

Reading Time: 2 minutes Semaphore is a synchronization mechanism. In more words, semaphores are a technique for coordinating or synchronizing activities in which multiple processes compete for the same resources. There are 2 types of semaphores: Binary semaphores & Counting semaphores. But our focus would be on binary […]